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Having a pet while raising your children will provide them a wide range of benefits. This reason may make you rethink about the possibility of having a new furry friend at home.

Many children dream of having a pet, at the top of this wish list are dogs, followed closely by cats, birds, turtles and fish. The bonds created between pets and children are intense and lasting, which may result may result in being very beneficial for the latter. This will be in many aspects ranging from their capability to socializa to their Health.

Pets are an important source of emotional support. Children, like every human being, feel upset and misunderstood now and then. Domesticated animals are the silent companion walking by them, supporting them and making them feel better. This may help to cut down stress and anxiety in your children.

Furthermore, living with a pet means a grand responsibility, as you are in charge of the wellbeing of another living being. This is the perfect chance to instill an attitude of responsibility in your children by assigning them different tasks in caring for the animal. It is highly important that these assignments are in accord with your children ages so that they can perform them successfully, and this will increase their self-esteem.

The contact and coexistence with animals, develop a sense of respect in children, making them more empathic and generous. At the same time, this coexistence reduces stress levels, making them feel calmer and regulating their blood pressure and heart rate. Moreover, new researches show that children who live with pets have a stronger immune system, this is basically because they get in contact with external microorganism through the animal.

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