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It is very recurrent to see how dogs take advantage of any opportunity they have to eat everything at their fingertips.

This may provoke them serious illnesses, and even cause a chaotic situation at home.

Let say that our pooch is chewing, munching and destroying everything he finds. This kind of destructive behaviour may be caused for several reasons (i.e. boredom, stomach ache, anxiety, unexpected changes, and forth on.

Some food and plants are very prone to be swallowed for your adorable canine, and  they may be potentially toxic to your pet, some of these you will never tell. That is why We have composed a list of products which includes a sampling of some of the most popular and frequently encountered plants that have been documented to cause adverse reactions in dogs, beside that a list of typical food we all have in our kitchens.


Poisonous plants for your pup:

Poinsettia  (also known as Christmas Star),the fact that your faithful furry friend brushes against Christmas Star resin may cause him irritations and rashes, and even worse damage around the nose/eye area. In any case, if your pooch eats it, he will have stomach ache, diarrhea and vomiting

Ivy. This plant shows a medium level toxicity. It provokes skin irritation, itchy rash with swelling, vomiting, and diarrhea. In case of Ivy fruit ingestion, the consequences are even more severe. The toxicity of these fruits is extreme for our pets.

Hydrangea plant. It seems that brushing against this plant does not have further repercussion, however, its ingestion provokes a lack of coordination, throwing up, diarrhea, spasms and abdominal pain.  Hydrangea saps, can cause skin irritation on the face as well as ulcers.

The lilac (syringa). The consumption of this beautiful plant causes digestion problems and stomach ache, as well as throwing up, diarrhea, trembling and so on

Epipremnum aureum. Your pet only has to touch Epipremnun aureum saps or chewing a leave for a bit and the The first symptoms will not last to come up. Severe irritation and ulcers, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting , and even arrhythmia or being in a coma.

Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus. The whole plant is toxic, but it is in the bulb where more toxins are concentrated. The symptoms of ingestion are severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and even death.

Geranium. Eating whatever part of this plant would mean poisoning our dogs causing abdominal pain, tremors, vomiting and diarrhea.

Should you notice some of these symptoms  in your pet, and you know or suspect that it could have been with some of the plants mentioned above, We would like to advise you to take your furry friend to the vet as fast as possible as to give to it the adequate medical treatment.


Food your dog should never eat:

Chocolate.Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is highly toxic for dogs. If dogs had this compound of the cocoa in big quantities, that would cause diarrhea, heart issues and even death

Onion and garlic. The intake of these products by your dog may produce it from renal insufficiency and anemia, up to gastrointestinal irritation. One compound of these type of food is at fault, thiosulphate, which is hard to process for dogs and damages the red blood cells

Bones. Giving bones to your dog may wreak havoc on your dog´s digestive system. If you are going to give them anyway, We would like to advise you to give them raw. Please notice that cooked bones splinter into shards that can cause choking and serious damage to the dog’s mouth, throat, or intestines.

Avocado.The avocado contains persin. This toxin may attack to your dog´s digestive system. It is not only about the eatable body of the fruit, but also the seed, leaves and tree bark.

Dairy products. The vast majority of dogs are lactose intolerant. If they have milk, they will develop diarrhea, vomiting and intestinal discomfort. Alike humans, They do not have the relevant enzymes to process lactose in their organism.

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