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Tips to prevent heatstroke in pets.

We have entered the summer and although we know the precautions that we must take to protect ourselves from the sun and the heat, many times we do not know what we must do to avoid that our pets suffer a heatstroke.

The high summer temperatures do not cause the same effect in all pets. For example, dogs, not having sweat glands throughout the body, do not regulate body temperature as we do. They balance it through panting and sweat that accumulates in the pads of the legs and in specific areas such as the belly.

Experts recommend avoiding continued exposure in places with high temperatures, especially in those pets with more hair, because of their propensity to sweat more.

Here are some useful tips to help you to prevent a heatstroke:

Physical exercise. At this time of year the production of body heat increases and physical exercise continued and superior to the common, puts your pet at risk. You must control it and before any sign of fatigue, stop it.

High ambient temperature. It diminishes the capacity of our pet to expel the heat outside, what entails that it continues accumulating in its body. It is recommended they rest in a cool and shaded area. For this, our line of plastic beds Apus is perfect, available in different sizes to suit any pet.

Dehydration. Without a doubt it is one of the key aspects. We must keep our pet hydrated at all times. Therefore, our water dispensers together with the portable drinker become an essential accessory in summer, allowing them to have access to drinkable water at any time of the day.

In case you think your pet is suffering heatstroke, we recommend you visit your vet urgently.

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