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If you live either close to an area that is prone to snow or if you have had the opportunity to take your pup up there, you may have realised that he has  had such fun playing in the snow.

At first, it may strike him as bizarre and unfamiliar, but once your furry friend gets used to it, you won´t be able to stop him from playing. Would you like to know why dogs love that much snow? Then keep your eyes open wide in the following paragraphs:

One of the main reasons is the low temperatures. Many pets love winter because they become more energetic as the temperatures cool, pooches may run and play without fear to suffer heat stroke or overheating. However, keep in mind that this does not apply to all breeds.

Even thogh dogs are  insulated by their hair and can withstand low temperatures, it is highly advisable not to spend too much time in the snow. To protect your dog you should observe the following tips:

Shield your dog from cold and humidity. Even though its body is designed to be outdoors, it is advisable to pamper your furry friend a little bit by helping him with the cold. It can be a good idea to have them use a dog raincoat.

Prolonged contact with the snow can lead to burns on dog paws. However, It is possible to purchase disposable dog paw pads or paw pad protectors in the form of wax

Keep an eye on your pooch at all time. He may get lost, eat snow or whatever he finds. Furthermore, be cautious and put your pup on the leash, there are many threats around (i.e. cars, ski slopes, snow unfenced areas, and so on).

Following the above instructions you will have a marvellous snow day with your dog.

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